Useful links:
- Yahoo
- AccueWeather Lisbon Falls
- Arise Online
- NNEC Camp Meeting
- Sending Warm Fuzzies, blog by Hadassah
- Viata Frumoasa - Rebecca's shop - Paperless towels, zero waste!
- Bible studies: Search for Certainty - It Is Written
- Science and Creation
- Pavel Goia
- Daniel by Mark Finley
- Discoveries in the Book of Revelation - Mark Finley
- Power of Praise
- Rest, Ivor Myers
- Story of the Bible. Ivor Myers
- Basic Bible Beliefs
- Origin of evil
Christian History
- Light Unshackled - The Reformation
- The Kingdom of God a repreaaching of a William Miller sermon
- 500 Reliving the Reformation
Jeremiah - Introduction
- Home made gluten (seitan)
- Zucchinii Pattie for a crowd or to freeze for the winter.
Exercises for Life
Prayer Links to Jewel Tools:
Blue Letter Bible--Online concordance and lexicon -
eSword--Download a concordance to your computer -
Gateway Bible - searchable online Bible in many versions -
Links For Inspirational Fun:
Nathan Greene - My favorite Christian artwork -
The Lesotho Promise:
THE PHOTOS: Going Forward: During our work in Sudan, from 2001 to 2007, we traveled the Kaya, Yei, Maridi road between the church offices in Uganda and the Sudanese churches in southern Sudan often. The photo at the top of the page was taken 2002 at the notorious 14 mile post on the road from Kaya to Yei. My husband was driving. We were not stuck! Above left depicts a typical challenge to our travel--huge puddles (small ponds). Above right: I discovered this little "ant" hut along on the road to Maridi. Large fields of these perfect little huts made one wonder just who invented the hut design first.
(C) 2013-2015 All material in this web site is copyrighted by the owner. It may be reproduced for personal and group study only. It may not be published or sold. All scripture is taken from the KJV